Japan in World War II Code Puzzle Worksheet | Student Handouts
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Japan in World War II Code Puzzle
studenthandouts.com > World History > WWII in World History > WWII in World History Worksheets
Japan in World War II Code Puzzle Worksheet - Free to print (PDF file).
Free K-12 Educational Materials

Japan: Meiji Restoration, Japanese Imperialism, and the Build-Up to World War II in Asia - PowerPoint Presentation

Japan and World War II in the Pacific Matching Game

Vocabulary Worksheets for Writing about War
1) Japan seized 13-1-14-3-8-21-18-9-1 in 1931.

2) The second Sino-Japanese War began in 1937 when Japan attacked 3-8-9-14-1.

3) Many Filipinos and Americans died during the 2-1-20-1-1-14 Death March in the Philippines.

4) Thousands of Chinese women and girls were brutally raped during what is known as the "Rape of 14-1-14-11-9-14-7."

5) In 1940, the United States enacted a complete 5-13-2-1-18-7-15 against all American exports to Japan.

6) General 20-15-10-15 led Japanese forces during World War II.

7) The Japanese attacked the American fleet at 16-5-1-18-12   8-1-18-2-15-18, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941.

8) Fought from the air, the allies won the battle of 13-9-4-23-1-25 in June, 1942.

9) General Douglas 13-1-3-1-18-20-8-21-18 served as Supreme Allied Commander in the Pacific.

10)The policy of 9-19-12-1-14-4 – 8-15-16-16-9-14-7 involved capturing strategic islands in a move to eventually reach Japan.

11) Japanese who, on suicide missions, flew their airplanes into American warships were known as 11-1-13-9-11-1-26-5 pilots.

12) Participants in the 13-1-14-8-1-20-20-1-14 Project created the first atomic bomb.

13) The first atomic bomb was dropped on 8-9-18-15-19-8-9-13-1, Japan, on August 6, 1945.

14) The second atomic bomb was dropped on 14-1-7-1-19-1-11-9, Japan, on August 9, 1945.

15) Emperor 8-9-18-15-8-9-20-15 forced the Japanese government to surrender on August 10, 1945.
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