World War II Causes and Effects Worksheet | Student Handouts
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Students list short- and long-term causes and effects of World War II. Click here to print. Answers will vary.
Short-Term Causes of World War II:
  • Treaty of Versailles (1919): The harsh terms imposed on Germany after World War I fostered resentment and economic hardship, setting the stage for extremist ideologies.
  • Aggressive Expansion by Axis Powers: Germany's invasion of Poland, Italy's invasions in Africa, and Japan's expansion in Asia prompted military responses from Allied nations.
  • Failure of Appeasement: European powers' policy of appeasement towards Hitler's early territorial expansions emboldened Nazi aggression.
Long-Term Causes of World War II:
  • Economic Instability: The Great Depression created global economic turmoil, contributing to political instability and the rise of totalitarian regimes.
  • Nationalism and Militarism: The rise of aggressive nationalism and militarism in Germany, Italy, and Japan fueled ambitions for territorial expansion and dominance.
  • Weakness of the League of Nations: The League's inability to enforce peace and prevent aggression undermined international cooperation and deterrence efforts.
Short-Term Effects of World War II:
  • Human Casualties and Destruction: The war caused unprecedented loss of life and widespread destruction, particularly in Europe and Asia.
  • Defeat of Axis Powers: The unconditional surrender of Germany, Italy, and Japan led to significant geopolitical changes and the end of fascist regimes.
  • United Nations Formation: Established in 1945 to promote international cooperation and prevent future conflicts.
Long-Term Effects of World War II:
  • Cold War Onset: The ideological divide between the United States and the Soviet Union led to a prolonged period of geopolitical tension and competition.
  • Decolonization: The war weakened European powers, accelerating the process of decolonization in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
  • Economic and Political Restructuring: Post-war economic recovery plans, such as the Marshall Plan, and the establishment of new democratic governments in former Axis countries shaped the modern global order.
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