Remagen Bridge Germany in 1945 | Student Handouts
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Remagen Bridge in 1945
World History > World War II in World History > World War II in World History Maps and Pictures
Remagen Bridge in 1945
Original caption: "First U.S. Army men and equipment pour across the Remagen Bridge; two knocked out jeeps in foreground." Photograph taken by Sgt. William Spangle, Germany, March 11, 1945. Click here to enlarge.
The Remagen Bridge, also known as the Ludendorff Bridge, was a critical site in World War II. On March 7, 1945, American forces captured this bridge over the Rhine River, which was unexpectedly still standing despite German attempts to destroy it. This capture provided the Allies with a vital and unexpected route into the heart of Germany, accelerating their advance. The successful crossing at Remagen allowed thousands of troops and vehicles to pass into German territory, significantly contributing to the Allied momentum in the final stages of the European campaign. The bridge's seizure marked a pivotal moment in the closing months of the war.
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