WWII Red Ball Express in France | Student Handouts
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WWII Red Ball Express in France
World History > World War II in World History > World War II in World History Maps and Pictures
WWII Red Ball Express in France
"Corporal Charles H. Johnson of the 783rd Military Police Battalion, waves on a `Red Ball Express' motor convoy rushing priority materiel to the forward areas, near Alenon, France." Bowen, September 5, 1944. "Stay on the ball...keep 'em rolling!" Target tonnage for the day is listed as 11,000 tons. Click here to enlarge.
The Red Ball Express was a vital logistics operation during World War II, running from August to November 1944. Created by the Allied forces after the D-Day invasion, it consisted of a fleet of over 6,000 trucks operated primarily by African-American soldiers. This convoy system transported essential supplies, including food, fuel, and ammunition, from the Normandy beaches to advancing front-line troops across France. The Red Ball Express ensured the continuous flow of resources necessary for the Allied push into German-occupied territory, demonstrating the critical importance of logistical support in sustaining military operations and advancing towards victory.
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