World War II Holocaust Images | Student Handouts
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World War II Holocaust Images
World History > World War II > World War II Maps and Pictures > Holocaust Images
 Inmate at Camp Gusen German Women Killed by Nazis Burned by the Nazi SS Exhumed Bodies Corpses at Gusen Camp 
 Inmate at Camp Gusen, Austria German Women Killed by Nazis Burned by the Nazi SS Exhumed Bodies Corpses at Gusen Camp 
 Prisoners at Buchenwald Victims at Buchenwald Camp Kristallnacht in Magdeburg, 1938 Nazi Victims at Buchenwald, April, 1945   
 Prisoners at Buchenwald Victims at Buchenwald Camp Kristallnacht in Magdeburg Victims of Hitler's "Final Solution"   
The Holocaust of World War II was a systematic, state-sponsored genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany, resulting in the deaths of six million Jews and millions of others, including Romani people, disabled individuals, Polish and Soviet civilians, political dissidents, and other marginalized groups.

This atrocity, executed through ghettos, concentration camps, and extermination camps, was driven by Adolf Hitler's racist ideology and desire for ethnic purity.

The Holocaust remains one of the most harrowing and devastating events in human history, symbolizing the depths of human cruelty and the catastrophic consequences of unchecked hatred and bigotry.
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World History > World War II > World War II Maps and Pictures > Holocaust Images