Elderly Women at an Air Raid Site in 1943 | Student Handouts
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Elderly Women at an Air Raid Site
World History > World War II in World History > World War II in World History Maps and Pictures
Elderly British Women at an Air Raid Site
These two bewildered elderly women stand amid the leveled ruins of the almshouse which was formerly their home. The Germans destroyed the structure in an air raid. Truly, "Total war knows no bounds." This almshouse, located in Newbury, Berkshire, England, was bombed on February 10, 1943. This photograph was taken by Naccarata on February 11, 1943. Click here to enlarge.
Nazi air raids, particularly during the Blitz from 1940 to 1941, caused extensive destruction in London. The relentless bombings targeted key infrastructure, industrial areas, and civilian neighborhoods, resulting in widespread devastation. Iconic landmarks, such as St. Paul's Cathedral, narrowly escaped destruction, while many historic buildings and homes were reduced to rubble. The raids caused significant loss of life, with tens of thousands of civilians killed and many more injured. Despite the destruction, the resilience and spirit of Londoners remained unbroken, symbolized by the phrase "Keep Calm and Carry On," as they endured the prolonged assault.
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