255th Infantry Regiment in Waldenburg | Student Handouts
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255th Infantry Regiment
World History > World War II in World History > World War II in World History Maps and Pictures
255th Infantry Regiment in WWII
255th Infantry Regiment in Waldenburg (1945). Click here to enlarge.
In April 1945, the 255th Infantry Regiment played a crucial role in the battle for Waldenburg, Germany, as Allied forces advanced towards victory in World War II. The regiment engaged in intense urban combat, navigating through the town's narrow streets and fortified buildings. Despite facing fierce German resistance, the 255th Infantry displayed remarkable bravery and tactical skill, systematically clearing enemy positions. Their efforts were instrumental in securing Waldenburg, disrupting Nazi defenses, and contributing to the overall success of the Allied offensive in the region. The regiment's actions exemplified the determination and effectiveness of Allied ground forces in the final months of the war.
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