A Distant Shore African Americans of D-Day 2007 Review for Teachers | Student Handouts
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A Distant Shore: African Americans of D-Day (2007)
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A Distant Shore: African Americans of D-Day (2007) - Documentary review and guide for American History and World History classes. Length: 50 minutes

Age appropriateness rating: We recommend this film for high school students. The violent battles and language (the "n" word is used several times) may be too much for more immature kids to handle.

Creators and stars: History Channel, Douglas Cohen, Yvonne Latty

Accuracy: The accuracy here is spot-on. "A Distant Shore: The African Americans of D-Day" features interviews with seven African-American veterans of D-Day, and includes a lot of historical images.

Review: This documentary won an Emmy in 2008 for Outstanding Historical Programming. We highly recommend this video. It is appropriate viewing for World History and American History students studying World War II. The video includes tons of information on both military segregation and the actual invasion of Normandy.

Miscellaneous: The History Channel has a thorough teacher's guide available here. You can find this video in many libraries. It is also played yearly on the History Channel in February (for Black History Month) and in June (in memory of D-Day).

Click here to purchase the DVD.
The History Channel's "A Distant Shore: African Americans of D-Day" (2007) sheds light on the often overlooked contributions of African American soldiers during the D-Day invasion of World War II. The documentary explores the experiences and challenges faced by these brave men, who fought not only against the enemy but also against racial segregation and discrimination within the military. Through interviews, archival footage, and personal stories, the film highlights their courage, resilience, and significant impact on the success of the invasion. It serves as an important reminder of the diverse contributions to the war effort and the ongoing struggle for equality and recognition.
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www.studenthandouts.com > World History > World War II > World War II Books and Films
A Distant Shore: African Americans of D-Day Movie Review Publication Date for Citation Purposes: May 1, 2009