Eyoub Muslim Cemetery, Turkey | Student Handouts
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Eyoub Muslim Cemetery, Turkey
World History > Ottoman Empire > Ottoman Empire Maps and Pictures
Eyoub Muslim Cemetery, Turkey
LOOKING DOWN THE GOLDEN HORN FROM THE TURKISH CEMETERY OF EYOUB: Near where the Golden Horn curves back upon itself toward the left and shrinks away into the Sweet Waters of Europe, on a cypress-shaded slope high above the water's edge, there is the quiet Turkish Cemetery of Eyoub, whence one can look down the Golden Horn, with Stamboul (Istanbul) on the right and the heights of Pera opposite, past the Port of War and the old bridge to the Port of Commerce, its farther limits marked by the new bridge of Galata, and so to the place where the Bosporus, the Golden Horn, and the Sea of Marmora unite beneath the historic walls of the Old Seraglio. Click here to enlarge. (1922)
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