Early Imperialism in Asia Pop Quiz | Student Handouts
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Early Imperialism in Asia - Pop Quiz for Grades 9-12
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Early Imperialism in Asia - Pop Quiz for Grades 9-12 - Free to print (PDF file) for high school World History students and teachers.
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This fun little pop quiz tests students' knowledge of the early years of European imperialism in Asia, focusing on the spice trade in India, and downfall of the Mughal dynasty. For high school World History classes. Ten multiple-choice questions. Click here to print. The answer key is below.
How much have you learned about the early years of imperialism in Asia? Take this quiz to find out. Select the best answer for each question.

1. What nation had control of the European-Asian spice trade through its outposts and forts in the 1500s?
c. Portugal

2. The _____ Company formed in 1602, after a Netherlands fleet returned from Asia with spices in 1599.
c. Dutch East India

3. In the 17th century, the Dutch controlled trade at _____ in Africa.
b. Cape Town

4. After Magellan claimed the _____ Islands for Spain in 1521, the Spanish spent approximately 50 years conquering the archipelago.
d. Philippine

5. Babur founded the _____ dynasty in India in 1526.
c. Mughal

6. Which of the following is not true of European trade in India in the 1700s?
d. Mughals forced European traders to convert to Hinduism

7. As religious toleration ended in India, and Hindu and Muslim princes began fighting, how did European traders turn the situation to their own advantage?
a. Played the Indian princes against one another

8. What were the Indian soldiers hired by British and French trading companies called?
c. sepoys

9. Which two European nations competed for world domination in the 18th century, including during the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763)?
a. Britain and France

10. Under the direction of _____ (1725-1774), the British East India Company gained control over Bengal and began collecting taxes.
c. Robert Clive
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