Study Game Question Cards on the Build-up to World War II | Student Handouts
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Study Game Question Cards on the Build-up to World War II
Free Printable Quiz Cards for World History - Scroll Down to Print (PDF) - Social Studies - Rise of Fascism
1. What country invaded Ethiopia in 1935? Italy. 2. Who served as the leader of France in the years leading up to World War II? Edouard Daladier. 3. A civil war broke out in what European country in 1936? Spain. 4. What country did Hitler and Stalin agree to divide between themselves with the Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939? Poland. 5. Who led the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War? Francisco Franco. 6. Who ruled Ethiopia at the time of the 1935 Italian invasion? Haile Selassie. 7. The 1938 union of Austria with Germany is known as what? Anschluss. 8. Who came to power of chancellor of Germany in 1933? Adolf Hitler. 9. Who served as the British prime minister in the years leading up to World War II? Neville Chamberlain. 10. Who ruled the Soviet Union from 1922 until his death in 1953? Joseph Stalin.
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