Revolution in China PowerPoint | Student Handouts
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Revolution in China PowerPoint > World History > Chinese Revolution > Chinese Revolution PPTs, etc.
"Revolution in China" PowerPoint Presentation:

Complete overview of Chinese history from the fall of the Qing (Manchu) dynasty through the death of Mao Zedong.
Revolution in China PowerPoint for High School World History with Guided Notes for Students
Free K-12 Education Printables and More

Imperialism in East Asia Powerpoint

Back to 1942 (2012)
24 slides with six review questions.

Version: PPT | PPTX | PDF | Handout (handout = guided student notes).
High school World History students taking notes on our free PowerPoint presentation covering revolutionary China.
Chinese Revolution Books and FilmsChinese Revolution Outlines and PowerPoints
Chinese Revolution Pictures and MapsChinese Revolution Worksheets
Chinese Revolution MiscellaneousChinese Revolution Study Games > World History > Chinese Revolution > Chinese Revolution PPTs, etc.