Development and History of the Alphabet | Student Handouts
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Development of the Alphabet > World History > Ancient Near East > Ancient Near East Images
History of the Development of the Alphabet
Development of the Alphabet

Egyptian hieroglyphic; Egyptian hieratic, or script form of hieroglyphic; Phoenician; Greek; Roman (Latin).

Development of the alphabet: Egyptian hieroglyphic; Egyptian hieratic (or Coptic), a script form of hieroglyphic; Phoenician; Greek; Roman (Latin). Many will already be familiar with the Greek letters Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. Chart with words (hawk, crane, throne, hand, meander) and corresponding figures or letters for sounds. The Roman (Latin) alphabet is what is used today to write the English language.

Although it is not illustrated on this chart, the Hebrew alphabet is likewise descended from this chain of alphabets. Hebrew comes from the Aramaic alphabet (common in the Middle East circa the year 1), which in turn was developed from the Phoenician alphabet. Click here to enlarge.

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