Macedonia, Alexander the Great, and the Hellenistic World History Workbook | Student Handouts
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Macedonia, Alexander the Great, and the Hellenistic World - History Workbook > World History > Ancient Greece > Ancient Greece Miscellany
This workbook, eight pages in length, features a readable text interspersed with questions and activities. It is designed for grades seven through twelve. The history of ancient Greece herein described traces the rise of Macedonia, through the conquests of Alexander the Great, through the spread of Hellenistic civilization, which endured until the rise of ancient Rome. Click here to print.
Macedonia, Alexander the Great, and the Hellenistic World - History Workbook - Free to print (PDF file). Eight pages.
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Alexander's Impact on World History

Alexander's most lasting achievement was the spread of Greek culture beyond the Greeks themselves. This spread of Greek culture has been termed "pan-Hellenism."

Alexander married a daughter of Persia's King Darius. He encouraged his soldiers to take Persian wives. Foreign gods and goddesses were worshipped by Alexander and his men, who recognized these deities as foreign incarnations of Greek gods and goddesses.

Trade was encouraged throughout Alexander's empire. To facilitate trade and strengthen his empire, Alexander settled Greeks throughout the lands he conquered. The culture that emerged, mingling Greek traditions with local customs and beliefs, is called "Hellenistic."
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Ancient Greece MiscellanyAncient Greece Worksheets > World History > Ancient Greece > Ancient Greece Miscellany