European Nations and Their Explorers Worksheet | Student Handouts
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European Nations and Their Explorers Blank Chart > World History > Age of Exploration > Age of Exploration Worksheets
European Nations and Their Explorers Blank Chart - Worksheet is free to print (PDF file) for high school World History students.
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Students are asked to list and describe the explorers of five European nations: England, France, Holland (Netherlands), Portugal, and Spain. Click here to print (PDF). Answers will vary.
England--John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto): An Italian explorer sailing under the English flag, Cabot is credited with discovering parts of North America in 1497. His journey to Newfoundland marked the first known European exploration of North America since the Norse.

France--Jacques Cartier: Cartier was a French explorer who made three voyages to North America between 1534 and 1542. He explored the Gulf of St. Lawrence, discovered the St. Lawrence River, and claimed Canada for France. His explorations helped lay the foundation for French claims in the New World.

Netherlands (Holland)--Henry Hudson: An English explorer working for the Dutch East India Company, Hudson is known for his voyages in the early 17th century. He explored areas like the Hudson River and Hudson Bay, which are now named after him. Hudson's expeditions contributed to Dutch territorial claims in North America.

Portugal--Vasco da Gama: Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who famously sailed around the southern tip of Africa (the Cape of Good Hope) in 1497-1498, establishing a sea route to India. This voyage opened up direct access to valuable spices and goods from the East.

Spain--Christopher Columbus (Cristoforo Colombo): Columbus, an Italian explorer sailing under the Spanish flag, embarked on four voyages to the Caribbean and the Americas between 1492 and 1504. His first voyage in 1492 led to the rediscovery of the Americas by Europeans. Columbus is often credited with opening the way for Spanish exploration and colonization in the New World.

Spain--Ferdinand Magellan (Fernão de Magalhães): Magellan, a Portuguese explorer sailing under the Spanish flag, is best known for leading the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe (1519-1522). While he died during the journey, his fleet completed the circumnavigation, demonstrating the vastness of the Earth and the possibilities of global exploration.

These explorers from different European nations made significant contributions to the Age of Exploration, which transformed the world by expanding knowledge, trade routes, and territorial claims during the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
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