African Civilizations Writing Exercises | Student Handouts
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African Civilizations Writing Exercises
Student Handouts > World History > African Civilizations > African Civilizations: Worksheets
African Civilizations Writing Exercises - Two worksheets, each with three essay questions. Free to print (PDF files).
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African Civilizations I Writing Exercises: Answer each of the following questions using complete sentences. 1 Describe the role of women in early African civilizations. 2 What role did geography play in the development of Africa? 3 How was the trans-Atlantic slave trade a turning point in world history? Click here to print. Answers will vary.
African Civilizations II Writing Exercises: Answer each of the following questions using complete sentences. 1 Describe life in West Africa before the trans-Atlantic slave trade. 2 Explain the role of Islam in African kingdoms. 3 What role did African kingdoms play in global trade? Click here to print. Answers will vary.
Life in West Africa before the trans-Atlantic slave trade was characterized by diverse cultures, rich histories, and flourishing societies. It's important to recognize that West Africa was not a homogenous region; it consisted of numerous ethnic groups, kingdoms, and empires, each with its own unique customs and traditions.

Cultural Diversity: West Africa was a melting pot of cultures. It was home to a wide range of ethnic groups, each with its own languages, religions, and social structures. Prominent ethnic groups included the Yoruba, Igbo, Ashanti, Mandinka, and many more.

Kingdoms and Empires: West Africa was home to powerful kingdoms and empires, such as the Ghana Empire, Mali Empire, and Songhai Empire. These states had organized governments, legal systems, and thriving economies.

Trade and Commerce: West Africa was a hub of trade and commerce. The trans-Saharan trade routes connected West Africa to North Africa and the Mediterranean, facilitating the exchange of goods like gold, salt, ivory, and textiles. The region's wealth was built on these trading networks.

Religions and Spirituality: Various religions and belief systems were practiced in West Africa. Islam spread across the region through trade and conquest. Indigenous African religions were also widespread, with a focus on animism, ancestor veneration, and spirits.

Agriculture and Farming: Agriculture was a central part of life. West Africans cultivated crops such as millet, sorghum, yams, and palm oil. Livestock, including cattle and sheep, were also raised.

Art and Architecture: West African societies produced exquisite art, including sculptures, masks, textiles, and pottery. The architectural marvels of cities like Timbuktu showcased the region's creativity and craftsmanship.

Social Structures: Societies were organized around clans, families, and extended kinship systems. Hierarchies and leadership structures varied by culture and society.

Education and Scholarship: West Africa was known for its centers of learning, such as Timbuktu, where scholars and students gathered to study various subjects, including religion, science, and literature.

Oral Traditions: Many West African cultures had rich oral traditions. Stories, histories, and proverbs were passed down through generations via storytelling and griots (oral historians).

Traditional Arts and Music: Music and dance were integral to West African life. Traditional instruments like the kora, djembe, and balafon were used to create rhythmic and melodious tunes.

It is important to note that the trans-Atlantic slave trade had a profound and devastating impact on West Africa. The forced migration of millions of people to the Americas disrupted communities, economies, and societies. Many aspects of pre-slave trade West African life were altered or destroyed as a result of this tragic chapter in history.
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Student Handouts > World History > African Civilizations > African Civilizations: Worksheets