West African Griot | Student Handouts
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West African Griot
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A griot, also spelled griotte or jeli, is a West African storyteller, historian, musician, or oral poet. Griots have played a crucial role in many West African societies, particularly in the Mali Empire, Senegal, the Gambia, and other regions of West Africa. They serve as repositories of cultural and historical knowledge and are responsible for preserving and passing down the oral traditions of their communities.

Griot of Western Africa Oral Tradition: Griots are known for their mastery of the oral tradition. They have the responsibility of orally transmitting the history, myths, legends, and cultural heritage of their people from one generation to the next.

Storytellers and Musicians: Griots are often both storytellers and musicians. They use storytelling, poetry, and music to convey their messages and stories. Traditional instruments like the kora (a harp-like instrument) and balafon (a xylophone-like instrument) are commonly associated with griots.

Cultural Custodians: Griots are considered the cultural custodians of their communities. They preserve the knowledge, songs, and stories that make up the cultural identity of their people.

Oral History: They play a crucial role in recording and preserving the history of their communities. This includes the deeds of past leaders, significant events, and the genealogies of important families.

Entertainers: Griots are often entertainers, performing at various ceremonies, festivals, and social gatherings. Their music and storytelling can uplift and unite communities.

Advisors: Griots may also serve as advisors to leaders and individuals in their communities, using their knowledge of history and social norms to provide guidance.

Spiritual Role: In some societies, griots have a spiritual role and are involved in rituals and ceremonies associated with important life events, such as births, marriages, and funerals.

Griots are highly respected figures in many West African cultures, and their roles are passed down through generations. They are not just historians but living repositories of their culture's past, and their storytelling and musical talents are cherished by their communities. The griot tradition continues to be an essential part of West African cultural heritage.
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www.studenthandouts.com > World History > African Civilizations > African Civilizations Images