The Wonders of a Toy Shop Printables | Student Handouts
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"The Wonders of a Toy Shop" Printables
"The Wonders of a Toy Shop" Printables - Free eBook and accompanying worksheets.
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Click here to print this eBook (or to read it on your computer or tablet), nine pages total (including cover page). The text is a charming Victorian poem for children about the many items available at a toy shop. For more of our free literature with worksheets, click here.
"The Wonders of a Toy Shop" Printables - Free eBook and accompanying worksheets.
"The Wonders of a Toy Shop" Printables - Free eBook and accompanying worksheets.
"The Wonders of a Toy Shop" Printables - Free eBook and accompanying worksheets.
Students are asked to determine to which part of speech (adjective, noun, or verb) each word from the text belongs. Click here to print. Click here for the answer key.
Students are asked to match pairs of rhyming words from the poem. Click here to print.
Students are asked to write their own poem about the wonders of a modern toy store. Click here to print.