Duckling Ambition Poem Worksheet | Student Handouts
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Duckling Ambition Poem Worksheet
Duckling Ambition Poem Worksheet - Free to print (PDF file) for kindergarten and first grade.
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Duckling Ambition:

'"Well," said the duckling, "well," as he looked at his broken shell, "If this is the world I've dreamt about, it's a very great pity I ever came out."

"My dear," said the duck, "my dear, don't imagine the world is here; the world is a pond, it lies out there--you shall soon see life, so don't despair."

But the duckling's spirit soared beyond the reeds and weeds of that muddy pond, and it certainly is most atrocious luck to be born with a soul if you're only a duck.'

What a conversation starter! Click here to print. Click here for the complete poem.
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