Sing a Song of Sixpence Nursery Rhyme Worksheets | Student Handouts
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Sing a Song of Sixpence - Worksheets > Printable Texts > Nursery Rhyme Worksheets
Sing a Song of Sixpence - Worksheets are free to print (PDF files).
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Color-by-Number: Tree
Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye; Four and twenty blackbirds Baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, The birds began to sing; Wasn’t that a dainty dish To set before the king? The king was in his counting-house Counting out his money; The queen was in the parlor Eating bread and honey. The maid was in the garden Hanging out the clothes; Along came a blackbird And pecked off her nose.

Click here to print the worksheet above. There's an extra sheet of lined primary paper attached to the PDF file, which teachers and parents can print to have kids copy the poem.

Click here to play an interactive Gap Text game based on this classic children's nursery rhyme.
Sing a Song of Sixpence - Worksheets are free to print (PDF files).
Sing a Song of Sixpence - Worksheets are free to print (PDF files).
Click here to print the rhyming words worksheet above.   Click here to print the completion worksheet above. > Printable Texts > Nursery Rhyme Worksheets