The Goose Girl PDF eBook with Worksheets | Student Handouts
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"The Goose Girl" Fairy Tale eBook with Worksheets - Free to print (PDF files).
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There was once an old queen who had a very beautiful daughter. The time came when the maiden was to go into a distant country to be married. The old queen packed up everything suitable to a royal outfit.

She also sent a waiting woman with her. When the hour of departure came they bade each other a sorrowful farewell and set out for the bridegroom's country.

When they had ridden for a time the princess became very thirsty, and said to the waiting woman, "Go down and fetch me some water in my cup from the stream. I must have something to drink."
"The Goose Girl" eBook with Worksheets - Free to print (PDF files).
"The Goose Girl" eBook with Worksheets - Free to print (PDF files).
Click here to print the above character worksheet. Click here to print the above handwriting/spelling worksheet featuring words from the story: departure, dismount, maiden, sorrowful, unburdened, unnoticed. > Printable Texts and eBooks > Fairy Tale Worksheets and eBooks