Brain Teasers Worksheet No. 15 | Student Handouts
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Brain Teasers Worksheet No. 15
Brain Teasers Worksheet No. 15 - Free to print (PDF file). Rebus puzzles and more! Grades 7-12.
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Fun puzzles to challenge your brain!

1 Whole, I am often brilliant; beheaded, I walk the highlands in my skirts; decapitated again, I am a working animal. 2 Whole, I am hunted by dogs; beheaded, I am eaten by people. 3 Whole, I am a great supporter of the human body; decapitated, I am found on the human body; again, and the human body cannot survive without me. 4 Whole, I am solid food; beheaded, you take me in.
Answer Key

Rebus puzzles: honour among thieves; the proof of the pudding is in the eating.


glass lass ass
fox ox
chair hair air
meat eat

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