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game for easy-to-understand instructions. |
ENERGY SAVER "HANGMAN" GAMES Energy Saver is very similar to Hangman. You are given a question. The letters spelling the answer are seen as blank spaces. Select a letter to see if it belongs in the answer. Guess incorrectly, and you start to lose your energy. |
INTERACTIVE FLASH CARDS Flash Cards are just like the flash cards you use to study at home. Look at the flashcard. Answer the question out loud or in your head. Flip over the card to see if you were right. Keep track of your number of correct answers on the screen. Remove cards that you have mastered. |
- CLOZE READING TESTS Gap Text is just what the name implies. You are given a block of well-known text. Certain words and phrases are missing, however. You must select the correct words or phrases from a drop-down box to correctly complete the text. |
IN OTHER WORDS GAMES This is a basic question-and-answer quiz, except that you input (that is, type) the answers to questions. |
MASTERMIND GAMES Mastermind is very similar to Jeopardy. There are numerous subtopics to each quiz, each with questions of different point values. |
MULTIPLE-CHOICE PRACTICE TESTS Multiple-choice practice tests have questions very similar to those given on classroom and standardized tests. They're great for individual review. |
PLAYTIME QUIZ GAMES Playtime has a Las Vegas-style feel to it. Pull the lever for each new question to pop up. Win make-believe cash for each correct answer. Bet a lot of money if you think you've got all the answers. Designed for two players or two teams. |
QUESTION TIME MATCHING GAMES Question Time is a fun matching game. On the screen you will see a large group of names, terms, etc. There is an additional term listed at the top of the page. Click on whichever term matches the term at the top of the page. |
WHAT'S YOUR OPINION? GAMES These are basic yes/no, true/false, and agree/disagree questions. | > Study and Learning Games > Our Interactive Gaming Styles |