Abraham Lincoln Biography Workbook | Student Handouts
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Abraham Lincoln Biography Workbook
16th President of the United States - Social Studies > United States Presidents > Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Biography Workbook - Free to print (PDF file) for high school United States History students.
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Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865): Learn all about the sixteenth president of the United States, who led the Union to victory in the Civil War. Filled with questions and activities throughout the text, this workbook is sixteen pages in length and is designed for use by high school American History students. The answer key is below. Click here to print. For our free educational materials on the U.S. Civil War, click here.
Answer Key:
  1. C - Union, Pennsylvania
  2. Thomas Lincoln
  3. Nancy Hanks
  4. Answers will vary
  5. Approximately 12 months
  6. John Hanks
  7. D - slavery
  8. Black Hawk War (1832)
  9. Answers will vary
  10. Vandalia
  11. Answers will vary
  12. Mary Todd
  13. Whigs
  14. Republicans
  15. Dred Scott
  16. Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, John C. Breckenridge, and John Bell
  17. April 12, 1861
  18. Emancipation Proclamation
  19. John Wilkes Booth
  20. Springfield, Illinois
  21. Answers will vary
  22. T - vicissitude
  23. A - abolition
  24. O - secession
  25. M - quarrelsome
  26. K - oratory
  27. G - enfranchisement
  28. P - toil
  29. L - precedent
  30. I - malice
  31. F - dissipated
  32. B - anxiety
  33. N - quelling
  34. J - obelisk
  35. S - vacillating
  36. R - unrequited
  37. C - breadwinner
  38. D - bulwarks
  39. E - canvass
  40. H - immortality
  41. Q - unfalteringly
  42. Father, Thomas Lincoln; Mother, Nancy Hanks; Paternal Grandfather, Abraham Lincoln; Paternal Grandmother, Mary Shipley