Answer Key: 1. C - Louis XVI, 2. C - 9, 3. B - False, 4. 1789, 5. Answers will vary, 6. acknowledged, 7. characterized by goodwill, 8. treasurer, 9. predominant attitude, 10. something or someone that explains, 11. diatribes, 12. offered shelter to, 13. not open to dishonest practices, 14. righteous anger, 15. secure from violation, 16. unjust exercise of power, 17. monarch, 18. adverse comments or remarks, 19. rashness, 20. those who form theories, 21. C - Jacobins, 22. Answers will vary, 23. Girondists, 24. Merlin de Thionville, 25. A - asperity, 26. F - insurrections, 27. B - atrocious, 28. C - availed, 29. H - massacres, 30. J - opprobrium, 31. D - eloquent, 32. E - importuned, 33. I - nominal, 34. G - latter, 35. A - Danton, 36. January 16, 1793, 37. May 31, 1793, 38. Hebertistes, 39. Answers will vary, 40. Answers will vary, 41. A - True, 42. Answers will vary, but should include Robespierre's failure to swiftly silence his critics when he had the chance, 43. July 28, 1794, 44. Answers will vary. |