Michelangelo Biography Workbook | Student Handouts
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Michelangelo Biography Workbook
Historical Figures > Historical Figures with "M" Names > Michelangelo (1475-1564)
Michelangelo Biography Workbook - Free to print (PDF file). For high school World History and European History students.
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European Renaissance Workbook
Michelangelo (1475-1564): Learn all about this famous artist of the Italian Renaissance, well known for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Readers will also gain insight into the workings of the powerful Medici family of Florence. Eighteen pages in length and full of questions and activities placed throughout the informational text, "Michelangelo" is part of our Biography Workbooks series. Click here to print. The answer key is below.
Answer Key - 1. C - luminary; 2. 22 years; 3. 1474; 4. Luigi Leonardo Buonarroti Simoni; 5. B - atelier; 6. B - False; 7. Merchants and manufacturers; 8. Francesco Granacci; 9. Ghirlandajo; 10. D - unusually advanced in mental development; 11. Lorenzo the Magnificent; 12. B - in this place; 13. D - representation; 14. Answers will vary; 15. A - crazes; 16. Angelo Poliziano; 17. A - Bologna; 18. Cardinal San Giorgio; 19. 25; 20. 1502; 21. Pope Sixtus IV; 22. A - Da Vinci; 23. A - communication; 24. Bramante; 25. C - inauspicious; 26. C - magnificent tomb; 27. Florence; 28. Gonfaloniere Soderini; 29. A - high rank; 30. A - true; 31. Deluge and Vineyard of Noah; 32. 39; 33. Leo X; 34. 10 years; 35. Clement VII; 36. Constable de Bourbon; 37. B - changes; 38. A - act of cutting someone off from holy communion; 39. Paul III; 40. 1549; 41. A - architect; 42. D - scornful snobbery; 43. vain; 44. 90; 45. Church of Santa Croce in Florence; 46. Vitttoria Colonna, Marchioness of Pescara; 47. Answers will vary.
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