Clovis I of France Biography Workbook | Student Handouts
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Clovis I of France Biography Workbook
Historical Figures > Historical Figures with "C" Names > Clovis I of the Franks (465-511 CE)
Clovis I of France Biography Workbook - Free to print (PDF file) for high school World History students.
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Clovis I of France (465-511 CE) - Learn all about this famous and powerful warrior leader of the Franks, considered to be the first king of France. Clovis I bridges the historical gap between the fall of Rome, migratory period in Europe (Barbarian Migrations), and Dark Ages.

Nine pages in length, this is part of our Biography Workbooks series, and full of questions and activities throughout its informational text.

Click here to print. The answer key is below.

Answer Key - 1. 465 C.E.; 2. Childeric; 3. 15; 4. Syagrius; 5. Rheims; 6. A chieftain other than Clovis; 7. J - refugee; 8. I - multitude; 9. A - adjacent; 10. K - turbulent; 11. G - imputed; 12. F - illustrious; 13. C - authority; 14. E - expulsion; 15. H - manuscript; 16. D - courtiers; 17. L - usurpers; 18. B - ascend; 19. Answers will vary; 20. Basinus of Thuringia; 21. Clotildis or Clotilde; 22. Soissons; 23. Victory in battle; 24. Answers will vary; 25. Alaric II; 26. Hand-to-hand combat wherein he killed Alaric II; 27. Council of Orleans (511 C.E.); 28. Answers will vary.
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Historical Figures > Historical Figures with "C" Names > Clovis I of the Franks (465-511 CE)