Polite Refusals Handwriting Worksheet in Print or Cursive | Student Handouts
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Polite Refusals Handwriting Worksheet
www.studenthandouts.com > Handwriting Worksheets
Just say no! How can one politely refuse?

This handwriting practice worksheet offers several options:

No, thank you.

Thank you, but I cannot possibly accept.

Regrettably, I am unable to attend.

Unfortunately, I must decline the offer.
PRINT OR CURSIVE: Just say no! How can one politely refuse? This handwriting practice worksheet offers several options: No, thank you; Thank you, but I cannot possibly accept; Regrettably, I am unable to attend; Unfortunately, I must decline the offer. This free printable handwriting practice worksheet is available in print or cursive.
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Click here for this worksheet in cursive script font.
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www.studenthandouts.com > Handwriting Worksheets