Australia's Geography - Map Worksheet | Student Handouts
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Australia Map Worksheet
Australia Map Work Printable Worksheet
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This is a great way to prep kids for standardized tests while studying the geography of Australia.  This printable worksheet features a map, followed by six multiple-choice questions.  The answers are in bold below.
1. What is the capital city of Australia?
a. Adelaide
b. Canberra
c. Perth
d. Sydney

2. What large body of water lies west of Australia?
a. Atlantic Ocean
b. Coral Sea
c. Indian Ocean
d. Tasman Sea

3. Which of the following cities is not on Australia’s east coast?
a. Cairns
b. Gladstone
c. Mackay
d. Port Hedland
  4. Which of the following countries is located furthest from Australia?
a. Indonesia
b. Papua New Guinea
c. Timor-Leste
d. United Kingdom

5. What is the approximate distance between Port Hedland and Alice Springs?
a. 400 miles
b. 600 miles
c. 800 miles
d. 1,000 miles

6. What is the most common language spoken by Australians?
a. English
b. French
c. Portuguese
d. Tagalog
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