Oregon Notebooking Printable | Student Handouts
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Oregon Notebooking Printable
www.studenthandouts.com > Geography > Northern America > U.S.A. > Western USA > Oregon
Oregon Notebooking Printable - Free to print (PDF file). Students are tasked with doing independent or group research on the state of Oregon.
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Prehistoric art.  The horse's head sculptured on a piece of reindeer horn, was found with relics of the rough stone age, in southern France.  The charging mammoth was engraved on an ivory tusk, also in southern France during the rough stone age; it is one of the most remarkable relics of its kind.  The stag hunt shown at the left is from a painting on the walls of a cavern in Spain, made in the polished stone age.
Click here to print. Answers will vary. Students are tasked with doing independent or group research on the state of Oregon.

The economy of Oregon is diverse and dynamic, benefiting from a mix of technology, manufacturing, agriculture, forestry, and tourism. Oregon's strategic location on the Pacific Rim enhances its role in international trade, with the Port of Portland serving as a critical hub for exports and imports, particularly with Asia.

The technology sector, centered in the "Silicon Forest" in the Portland metropolitan area, is a significant economic driver. Home to major companies like Intel, Tektronix, and a host of startups, this sector attracts a skilled workforce and fosters innovation. The growth of the tech industry has been instrumental in diversifying Oregon's economic base.

Manufacturing remains vital, particularly in high-tech electronics, machinery, and transportation equipment. Companies like Nike, headquartered in Beaverton, contribute to the state's economy, creating jobs and promoting global trade.

Agriculture is another cornerstone, with Oregon known for its diverse and high-quality produce, including berries, hazelnuts, wine grapes, and hops. The fertile Willamette Valley is a prime agricultural area, supporting a thriving wine industry that rivals those of California and Washington.

Forestry has long been integral to Oregon's economy, with vast forested areas providing timber for construction, paper products, and biomass energy. Sustainable practices have become more prevalent, balancing economic needs with environmental preservation.

Tourism also plays a crucial role, with visitors drawn to Oregon's natural beauty, including Crater Lake National Park, the Columbia River Gorge, and the scenic Oregon Coast. Outdoor recreation, including hiking, skiing, and fishing, boosts local economies and supports a variety of service industries.

Overall, Oregon's economy is marked by its resilience, innovation, and a strong commitment to sustainability, making it a vital and thriving part of the U.S. economic landscape.
www.studenthandouts.com > Geography > Northern America > U.S.A. > Western USA > Oregon