Native Americans of the Southwest Word Search | Student Handouts
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Native Americans of the Southwest Word Search > Geography > Northern America > U.S.A. Geography > Western USA
Native Americans of the Southwest - Word search puzzle is free to print (PDF file).
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This word search puzzle is designed for students in grades 1-3 studying Native American cultures of the southwest.

Terms: Anasazi, Apache, Hohokam, Navajo, Papago, Pima, Pueblos.

Click here to print.
Answer Key

A N A S A Z I + + A
+ + + H + + + + A M
+ + + + O + + P + I
P + + + + H A + + P
U + O + + C O + + +
E + + G H + + K + +
B + + E A + + + A +
L + + + + P + + + M
O + + + + + A + + +
S O J A V A N P + +
Native Americans of the Southwest - Word search puzzle is free to print (PDF file). > Geography > Northern America > U.S.A. Geography > Western USA