Cuban Coffee Planter in 1898 | Student Handouts
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Cuban Coffee Planter in 1898
A CUBAN COFFEE PLANTER AND HIS PRODUCT: The coffee industry of Cuba is greatly diversified. Many individuals possess only a few trees, which they cultivate in a small way with reasonable profit for themselves. The photograph represents one of these small planters with his year's crop of the aromatic berry piled in sacks on the horse that doubtless carried him through many a hotly contested skirmish during the war period.
A CUBAN COFFEE PLANTER AND HIS PRODUCT: The coffee industry of Cuba is greatly diversified. Many individuals possess only a few trees, which they cultivate in a small way with reasonable profit for themselves. The photograph represents one of these small planters with his year's crop of the aromatic berry piled in sacks on the horse that doubtless carried him through many a hotly contested skirmish during the war period. (Cuba, 1898.)
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