The Little Soldier's ABC Book for Children | Student Handouts
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Little Soldier's ABC Book for Children > ELA: English Language Arts > Vocabulary Development
Little Soldiers ABCs - Free Printable eBook for Children This adorable children's book was originally published in 1894 by the McLoughlin Brothers of New York. It's a fun way to introduce youngsters to new terms and rhyming, as well as to help them visualize the military terms that factor so heavily in the classic literature and history lessons that they will read and learn in later years. Be forewarned that this book is, by definition, quite militaristic.

is for artillery, whose shot can lay low,
When skilfully aimed, whole ranks of the foe.

B is for bugler, whose bugle-notes clear
Are signals the horsemen obey when they hear.

C is for camp. Its fires, burning bright,
The soldiers to rest and refreshment invite.

D is for drummers, each beating his drum,
To mark time for the soldiers as forward they come.

E is for engineers, hardy and skilled;
Fortifications and bridges they build.

F is for foragers. When a land is invaded,
Its farms for provisions and fodder are raided.

G is for guard, who sharp watch must keep,
And never be caught, while on duty, asleep.

H is for Hussars. Those pictured are Danes,
But every great army some of them contains.

I is for infantry; foot soldiers are they,
Most numerous of all an army's array.

J is for jaeger, who is spry and alert,
And as a sharpshooter very expert.

K is for Kosacks, Russian soldiers renowned;
Their equals as horsemen can hardly be found.

L is for lancer, whose pennon streams gay
From the tip of his lance, as he rides on his way.

M is for marching. A long weary tramp
Troops oft have to make, ere they stop to encamp.

N is national guard, the force of our States;
To resist all invaders, prepared well it waits.

O is for orderly, watchful and brisk:
Dispatches he carries, oft running great risk.

P is for prisoners, seized in the fray;
Until they're exchanged, in prison they'll stay.

Q is quartermaster, who shelter provides,
And food, transportation, and clothing besides.

R is for riflemen, with long rifle each,
Whose shot seldom fails its object to reach.

S is for skirmishers, who forward are sent
In advance of a column, surprise to prevent.

T is for trumpeter, with trumpet in hand
To sound to the horsemen the leader's command.

U is for uhlans. The soldiers so named,
For skill and boldness in scouting are famed.

V is for volley, whose deafening rattle
Contributes so much to the din of a battle.

W is for wagon. Ammunition's its load,
Dragged by strong horses along the rough road.

X is for Xerxes, a Persian of old;
He led armies the vastest that e'er were enrolled.

Y is for yataghans, blades broad and keen;
In Eastern lands only in use they are seen.

Z is for zouaves. Their uniform's bright,
Which is nice for parade, but no help in a fight.

Click here to print or download (PDF). Click for printable print manuscript handwriting/spelling practice worksheets featuring words from this booklet (PDFs): Worksheet 1 - artillery, bugler, camp, drummers, engineers, foragers. Worksheet 2 - guard, infantry, marching, national guard, orderly, prisoners. Worksheet 3 - quartermaster, riflemen, skirmishers, trumpeter, volley, wagon.
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