Today in History October Calendar | Student Handouts
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Today in History: October > Calendars and Planners > Today in History
1 1800 - France gained Louisiana from Spain in the Treaty of San Ildefonso.
1908 - The Ford Model-T car premiered on the market.
1971 - Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, Florida.
2 1958 - Guinea became independent.
3 1929 - Yugoslavia became the new name of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes.
1990 - Germany reunified.
4 1957 - The Sputnik satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.
5 1877 - Surrender of Chief Joseph to the U.S. Army
1910 - Portugal became a republic.
6 1927 - World's First Full-Length Sound Film,The Jazz Singer Starring Al Jolson, Released
1973 - Start of the Yom Kippur War
7 1765 - First Meeting of the Stamp Act Congress
1949 - Formation of East Germany
8 1871 - Start of the Great Fire of Chicago
9 1635 - Roger Williams Banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony
1967 - Execution of Che Guevara in Bolivia
10 1845 - Opening of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland
1911 - Qing (Manchu) Dynasty Overthrown in China
1970 - Fiji Independent
2001 - Representative Nancy Pelosi (Democrat, California) Became Minority Whip
11 1899 - Start of South Africa's Boer War
1962 - Pope John XXIII Convened the First Session of Vatican II
12 1492 - Bahamas Reached by Christopher Columbus
2000 - Terrorist Attack of the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen
13 1792 - White House Cornerstone Laid
1943 - Italy Declared War on Germany (World War II)
14 1066 - Battle of Hastings in the Norman Conquest of England
1947 - Charles "Chuck" Yeager Traveled Faster Than the Speed of Sound
1964 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
15 1914 - Congress Passed the Clayton Antitrust Act
1951 - Television Premiere of I Love Lucy
1966 - Creation of the U.S. Department of Transportation
1993 - F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
16 1793 - Marie Antoinette Guillotined in Paris, France
1916 - First Birth-Control Clinic Opened by Margaret Sanger in New York City
17 1777 - Surrender of British General Burgoyne (American Revolutionary War)
1979 - Mother Theresa of Calcutta Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
18 1685 - Edict of Nantes Revoked by Louis XIV
1767 - Mason-Dixon Line Established
1867 - United States Acquired Alaska
19 1781 - Surrender of British General Cornwallis (American Revolutionary War)
20 1803 - Louisiana Purchase Ratified by the Senate
1968 - Marriage of Jacqueline Bouvier-Kennedy and Aristotle Onassis
21 1797 - Launching of the U.S.S. Constitution, Also Known As "Old Ironsides"
1805 - The Battle of Trafalgar was fought off the coast of Spain.
1959 - Opening of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City
22 1836 - Sam Houston Became the First President of Texas
23 1915 - 25,000-Strong Suffragette March in New York City
1946 - First Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in New York
24 1648 - Signing of the Peace of Westphalia
1931 - Opening of the George Washington Bridge between New Jersey and New York
1940 - Start of the 40-Hour Work Week, Mandated under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
1945 - Official Start of the United Nations
2005 - Death of Civil Rights Activist Rosa Parks
25 1415 - Battle of Agincourt
1760 - Coronation of Great Britain's George III
1983 - United States Invasion of Grenada
26 1825 - Opening of the Erie Canal
1881 - Shoot-Out at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona, Involving Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp
27 1787 - Publication of the First of the Federalist Papers
1904 - Opening of the New York City Subway (IRT)
28 1793 - Patent Granted for Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin
1886 - Dedication of the Statue of Liberty
1919 - Volstead Act (National Prohibition Act) Passed by Congress
1940 - Invasion of Greece by Italy (World War II)
29 1682 - Arrival of William Penn in Pennsylvania
1923 - Turkey Proclaimed a Republic
1929 - "Black Tuesday" Stock Market Crash (Great Depression)
1966 - Founding of the National Organization for Women (NOW)
30 1534 - Henry VIII Became Head of the English Church When Parliament Passed the Act of Supremacy
1938 - Orson Welles Broadcast of The War of the Worlds
1953 - General George C. Marshall Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
31 1517 - Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation by posting his 95 Theses.
1864 - Nevada became a U.S. state.
October is marked by numerous significant historical events. On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of China, a pivotal moment in 20th-century history that reshaped global geopolitics. The Cuban Missile Crisis, one of the most critical Cold War confrontations, began on October 16, 1962, when U.S. reconnaissance discovered Soviet missiles in Cuba, bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war.

In the realm of exploration, October 12, 1492, is celebrated as the day Christopher Columbus first arrived in the Americas, an event that dramatically altered the course of history. On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the world's first artificial satellite, igniting the space race and marking a significant advancement in space exploration.

Additionally, October 31 is widely celebrated as Halloween, a cultural event with origins in ancient Celtic festivals. Another notable event is the signing of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty on October 10, 1996, aiming to end nuclear explosions for testing purposes. These events highlight October as a month rich in historical milestones that have had lasting impacts on global history and culture. > Calendars and Planners > Today in History