Today in History September Calendar | Student Handouts
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September: Today in History > Calendars and Planners > Today in History
1 1923 - Japan's Great Kanto Earthquake.
1939 - Nazi Germany invaded Poland, starting World War II.
2 1666 - Start of the Great Fire in London.
1789- Establishment of the U.S. Treasury Department.
1945 - V-J (Victory in Japan) Day: Japan's formal surrender.
3 1189 - Richard I, the "Lionhearted," crowned at Westminster Abbey.
1783 - Treaty of Paris signed between Great Britain and the United States.
4 1781 - Los Angeles founded by the Spanish.
1888 - Kodak trademark patented by George Eastman.
5 1774 - Meeting of the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1905 - Treaty of Portsmouth signed.
6 1901 - President William McKinley shot by an anarchist in Buffalo, New York.
7 1822 - Brazil independent.
1940 - Start of the German Blitzkrieg over London.
8 1966 - Television premiere of Star Trek.
1974 - Richard Nixon pardoned by Gerald Ford.
9 1850 - California became a U.S. state.
1948 - Birth of People's Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea).
10 1846 - A patent was granted to Elias Howe for his sewing machine.
1963 - Twenty African-American students entered public schools in three Alabama cities under the protection of the National Guard.
11 1936 - Boulder (Now "Hoover") Dam dedicated by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
2001 - Terrorists hijacked four airplanes in an event that became known as "9/11." Two were used to knock down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third crashed into the Pentagon, and a fourth crashed outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
12 1609 - Henry Hudson began exploring the Hudson River.
1953 - Jacqueline Bouvier and John Fitzgerald Kennedy married.
13 1941 - Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-Shek became China's president.
15 1814 - Francis Scott Key composed "The Star Spangled Banner."
1901 - U.S. President William McKinley was assassinated in Buffalo, New York.
1940 - The Selective Service Act was passed by Congress.
15 September 15-October 15 - Hispanic Heritage Month
1821 - Independence for Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.
1935 - Nuremberg Laws enacted in Germany.
1963- Bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama, killed four African-American girls.
16 1630 - Shawmut, Massachusetts, changed its name to Boston.
1919 - The American Legion was incorporated by the U.S. Congress.
1944 - The first public Jewish religious service in Germany since the rise of Adolf Hitler (1933) took place, led by U.S. Army Chaplain Sidney Lefkowitz.  NBC in the U.S. broadcast a service led by Rabbi Lefkowitz, with Max Fuchs serving as cantor, on October 26, during which the artillery shells of advancing American troops could be heard in the background.
1975 - Independence for Papua New Guinea.
17 1787 - Completion of the U.S. Constitution.
1862 - Battle of Antietam (U.S. Civil War).
1920 - American Professional Football Association (today's NFL) organized in Canton, Ohio.
2011 - Occupy Wall Street Movement began in New York City's Zuccotti Park.
18 1810 - Chile independent.
1850 - Fugitive Slave Act passed by the U.S. Congress.
1947 - National Security Act passed.
19 2001 - Combat aircraft were ordered to the Persian Gulf by the U.S. government under President George W. Bush.
20 1870 - Papal states taken from the French by Victor Emmanuel II.
2001 - Tom Ridge named as head of the Office of Homeland Security by U.S. President George W. Bush.
21 1792 - The monarchy was abolished by the French National Convention as part of the French Revolution (1789-1799).
1949 - The People's Republic of China was proclaimed.
1964 - Malta independent.
1981 - Belize independent.
22 1792 - The French Republic was proclaimed.
23 1779 - "I have not yet begun to fight!" was proclaimed by John Paul Jones from the warship Bonhomme Richard.
24 1789 - First Judiciary Act passed by Congress.
1957 - Last game by the Brooklyn Dodgers played at Ebbets Field.
25 1775 - Capture of Ethan Allen during the American Revolutionary War.
1890 - Polygamy renounced by the Mormon Church.
1981 - Sandra Day O'Connor, first female U.S. Supreme Court Justice, sworn in.
26 1789 - Thomas Jefferson appointed Secretary of State by President George Washington.
1914 - Establishment of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
27 1540 - Charter for the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) approved by Pope Paul II.
1939 - Surrender of Warsaw, Poland, to Nazi German forces.
1964 - The Warren Commission, a group organized to research the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, concluded its investigation.
28 1542 - San Diego reached by Portuguese explorer Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo.
1939 - Nazi-Soviet Pact signed.
29 1399 - Abdication of England's Richard II.
30 1938 - Munich Pact signed.
1949 - End of the Berlin Airlift.
1966 - Botswana independent.
September is notable for several significant historical events. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, marking the beginning of World War II, a conflict that reshaped the world. Another pivotal event is the signing of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787, which established the foundational framework of American government and democracy.

On September 11, 2001, the United States experienced terrorist attacks that resulted in significant loss of life and led to major changes in global security policies and international relations. The discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming on September 28, 1928, revolutionized medicine by introducing the first true antibiotic, saving countless lives.

Additionally, September 2, 1945, marked the official end of World War II with Japan's formal surrender aboard the USS Missouri. The founding of the United Nations on September 24, 1945, also occurred, aiming to promote peace and cooperation among nations. These events underscore September as a month of impactful historical milestones that have shaped various aspects of modern society. > Calendars and Planners > Today in History