Workbook #13 -
Decades of Change: 1960-1980 |
This particular workbook covers the civil rights movement, SCLS. SNCC, freedom rides, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael, Betty Friedan, women's movement, Gloria Steinem, NOW, Roe v. Wade, ERA, Cesar Chavez, Henry B. Gonzalez, AIM, Wounded Knee occupation, counterculture, Woodstock, Silent Spring, EPA, Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam War, Sputnik, space race, Great Society, Ralph Nader, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Richard Nixon, Watergate, Shanghai Communique, SALT, OPEC, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, inflation, Iran hostage crisis, and much more. This is 32 pages in length. The answer key is below. Click here to print. |
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1 The Civil Rights Movement,
1960-1980 1. Frequently embraced "countercultural" life styles ans radical politics; many emerged as advocates of a new America characterized by a cultural and ethnic pluralism that their parents often viewed with unease 2. Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee 3. African Americans and whites boarded buses heading south toward segregated terminals, where confrontations might capture media attention and lead to change 4. March on Washington in 1963 5. Sent federal troops to allow James Meredith to attend the University of Mississippi; sent Congress a new civil rights bill mandating the integration of public places 6. Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlawed discrimination in all public accommodations) and Voting Rights Act of 1965 (authorized the federal government to register voters where local officials had prevented African Americans from doing so) 7. 1968 8. Stokely Carmichael 9. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Senator Robert Kennedy 2 The Women's Movement 1. 63% 2. Betty Friedan 3. 1964 Civil Rights Bill 4. National Organization for Women (NOW) 5. Gloria Steinem 6. Roe v. Wade 7. No 3 The Latino Movement 1. Cruelly exploited while harvesting crops 2. Founder of the United Farm Workers 3. Henry B. Gonzalez 4 The Native-American Movement 1. Moved them off reservations and into cities 2. American Indian Movement (AIM) 3. A landing party of 78 Native Americans seized Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay and held it until federal officials removed them 4. AIM took over the South Dakota village of Wounded Knee; one Native American was killed and another wounded 5. Ben Nighthorse Campbell 5 The Counterculture 1. Longer hair, beards, blue jeans, t-shirts, illegal drug use 2. Woodstock, a three-day music festival with almost 500,000 in attendance 3. Depicted university students as themselves an oppressed class that possessed special instincts into the struggle of other oppressed groups in American society; participated in the civil rights movement and the struggle against poverty; opposed to the Vietnam War 6 Environmentalism 1. By Rachel Carson; alleged that chemical pesticides, particularly DDT, caused cancer, among other ills 2. Schools and communities across the United States celebrated Earth Day for the first time 3. Clean Air Act 4. Created as an independent federal agency to spearhead the effort to bring environmental abuses under control |
7 Kennedy and the Resurgence of Big
Government Liberalism 1. 2,500,000 2. Democrats: generally wanted the government to ensure growth and stability, and to extend federal benefits for education, health, and welfare; Republicans: accepted a level of government responsibility, but hoped to cap spending and restore a larger measure of individual initiative 3. Youngest man ever to win the presidency; special combination of grace, wit, and style; wanted to extend economic benefits to all citizens 4. Republicans and Southern Democrats resisted Kennedy's plans to increase federal aid to education, provide health insurance for the elderly, and create a new Department of Urban Affairs 8 Kennedy and the Cold War 1. He rejected American intervention after the Bay of Pigs invasion failed; effectively ceded Laos to the Communists; acquiesced in the building of the Berlin Wall 2. 1962; Soviet Union was secretly installing offensive nuclear missiles in Cuba; Kennedy decided on a quarantine to stop Soviet ships from bringing additional supplies to Cuba; Kennedy threatened retaliation; Soviets agreed to remove the missiles 3. Both sides saw the need to defuse tensions that could lead to direct military conflict 4. Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia 5. Ho Chi Minh 6. French defeated at Dien Bien Phu in 1954; Laos and Cambodia granted independence; Vietnam divided into North and South; Eisenhower backed South Vietnam in refusing to hold elections in 1956 7. Ngo Dinh Diem and Ngo Dien Nu 9 The Space Program 1. Outer space 2. 1957 3. John Glenn 4. First eight-day mission and the first automatically controlled reentry into the Earth's atmosphere 5. Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the surface of the moon 6. Scaled down 10 Death of a President 1. November 22, 1963 2. Dallas, Texas 3. Largely because of the political skill and legislative victories of his successor 11 Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society 1. Lyndon B. Johnson 2. Tax cuts and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 3. Great Society 4. Aimed to give the poor themselves a voice in housing, health, and education programs 5. Medicare and Medicaid 6. Provided more federal aid for elementary and secondary schooling 7. Ralph Nader 8. Abolished the discriminatory 1924 national-origin immigration quotas 12 The War in Vietnam 1. Viet Cong 2. Allowed the president to "take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression" 3. Lyndon B. Johnson 4. Grisly television coverage; some thought the war was immoral; some were upset that the massive military campaign seemed to be ineffective 13 The Election of 1968 1. He had no intention of seeking another term 2. Protesters fought street battles with police 3. Hubert Humphrey, George Wallace, and Richard Nixon 14 Nixon, Vietnam, and the Cold War 1. To cut off North Vietnamese supply lines to South Vietnam 2. National guard troops who had been called in to restore order panicked and killed four students 3. Henry Kissinger 4. Over 58,000 5. Established a new U.S. policy: that there was one China, that Taiwan was a part of China, and that a peaceful settlement of the dispute of the question by the Chinese themselves was a U.S. interest 6. Arms control agreement limiting the growth of nuclear arsenals and restricting anti-ballistic missile systems 15 Nixon's Accomplishments and Defeats 1. As a way to stimulate the economy 2. George McGovern 3. Nixon's reelection committee had managed a break-in at the Watergate building headquarters of the Democratic National Committee and Nixon participated in the cover-up 4. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 5. Embargo raised prices, raising inflation and unemployment rates 6. Pled "no contest" to a criminal charge of tax evasion 7. August 9, 1974 16 The Ford Interlude 1. B - Gerald Ford 2. U.S. and Western European nations effectively recognized Soviet hegemony in Eastern Europe in return for Soviet affirmation of human rights 3. Answers will vary 17 The Carter Years 1. Jimmy Carter 2. Federal Reserve Board 3. D - 77 4. President Anwar al-Sadat (Egypt) and Prime Minister Menachem Begin (Israel) 5. People's Republic of China 6. Afghanistan 7. Shiite Muslim leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini 8. American hostage crisis in Iran 9. Answers will vary |