Sectional Conflict U.S. History Workbook | Student Handouts
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Workbook #6 - Sectional Conflict
This particular workbook includes the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Mexican War, the abolitionist movement, the Compromise of 1850, Abraham Lincoln, the origins of the Republican Party, Stephen A. Douglas, Henry Clay, John Brown, Harpers Ferry, the 1860 presidential election, and much more. This is 18 pages in length. The answer key is below. Click here to print.
Sectional Conflict - United States History workbook for high school is free to print (PDF file).
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1  Two Americas

1. Alexis de Tocqueville
2. Charles Dickens
3. Answers will vary

2  Lands of Promise

1. B - False
2. 80%
3. C - Railroad

3  Slavery and Sectionalism

1. Slavery
2. 1/3
3. Feared that, if freed, blacks would compete with them economically and challenge their higher social status; visceral dedication to white supremacy
4. Answers will vary

4  The Abolitionists

1. Because the wastefulness of cultivating a single crop, cotton, rapidly exhausted the soil, increasing the need for new fertile lands; and new territory meant more slave states to balance out new free states
2. Combative, uncompromising, and insistent upon an immediate end to slavery
3. The Liberator
4. Frederick Douglass
5. Answers will vary
6. Answers will vary

5  Texas and War with Mexico

1. General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
2. Santa Anna
3. Sam Houston
4. James K. Polk
5. U.S. must or will expand westward to the Pacific Ocean
6. Mexico ceded what would become the American Southwest region and California for $15 million
7. B - Idaho

6  The Compromise of 1850

1. Missouri Compromise; statements of Washington and Jefferson; Ordinance of 1787
2. The people in the territories themselves could decide whether or not their state would be free or slave
3. "To limit, localize, and discourage slavery"
4. Henry Clay
5. Part of the Compromise of 1850; passed to apprehend runaway slaves and return them to their masters
6. Answers will vary

7  A Divided Nation

1. Harriet Beecher Stowe
2. Their state would then have three free-soil neighbors (Illinois, Iowa, and Kansas) and might be forced to become a free state as well
3. Called for two territories, Kansas and Nebraska; permitted settlers to carry slaves into them and eventually to determine whether they should enter the Union as free or slave states
4. That slavery be excluded from all the territories
5. Scott lacked standing in court because he was not a citizen; the laws of a free state (Illinois) had no effect on his status because he was the resident of a slave state (Missouri); slave holders had the right to take their "property" anywhere in the federal territories

8  Lincoln, Douglas, and Brown

1. B - False
2. Led a band of followers in an attack on the federal arsenal
3. Answers will vary

9  The 1860 Election

1. A - Abraham Lincoln
2. Abraham Lincoln
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