Harry Truman's Leadership Reading with Questions | Student Handouts
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Harry Truman's Leadership
Harry Truman's Leadership - Free printable reading with questions (PDF file) for high school United States History students.
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The nation's new chief executive, Harry S. Truman, succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt as president before the end of the war. An unpretentious man who had previously served as Democratic senator from Missouri, then as vice president, Truman initially felt ill-prepared to govern. Roosevelt had not discussed complex postwar issues with him, and he had little experience in international affairs. "I'm not big enough for this job," he told a former colleague.

1. Who became president of the United States following the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt? Harry S. Truman

2. The new president felt confident that he could take on leadership of the United States.

a. True b. False

Still, Truman responded quickly to new challenges. Sometimes impulsive on small matters, he proved willing to make hard and carefully considered decisions on large ones. A small sign on his White House desk declared, "The Buck Stops Here." His judgments about how to respond to the Soviet Union ultimately determined the shape of the early Cold War.

3. What popular phrase is associated with Harry S. Truman?

a. Can you hear me now?

b. Fool me twice, can’t get fooled again.

c. My way or the highway.

d. The buck stops here.

4. Harry Truman previously served as a senator from Missouri. Locate and label Missouri on the map.
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