Eisenhower's Chance for Peace DBQ Worksheet | Student Handouts
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Eisenhower's "Chance for Peace" DBQ Worksheet
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Eisenhower's “Chance for Peace” DBQ Worksheet - Free to print (PDF file).
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"We are ready not only to press forward with the present plans for closer unity of the nations of Western Europe but also, upon that foundation, to strive to foster a broader European community, conducive to the free movement of persons, of trade, and of ideas. This community would include a free and united Germany, with a government based upon free and secret elections. This free community and the full independence of the East European nations could mean the end of the present unnatural division of Europe."

– President Dwight D. Eisenhower

(Excerpt from the "Chance for Peace" Address of April 16, 1953)
Questions: 1. What did Eisenhower mean by "the free movement of persons, of trade, and of ideas"? 2. What is meant by the phrase "the present unnatural division of Europe"? 3. Analyze Eisenhower's argument for peace in Europe. Do you agree or disagree that "full independence of the East European nations could mean the end of the present unnatural division of Europe"? Explain your answer. Click here to print. Answers will vary.
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www.studenthandouts.com > U.S. History > Postwar America > Worksheets