Postwar America Books and Films | Student Handouts
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Unit XII: Postwar America Books & Films > U.S. History > Postwar America > Books & Films
 Mothers of Invention (2004) Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Movie Review Liberty Heights (1999) Movie Review Battle for Dien Bien Phu (1986) Movie Review and Guide for History Teachers Cadillac Records (2008) Movie Review 
 Mothers of Invention (2004) Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Liberty Heights (1999) Battle for Dien Bien Phu (1986) Cadillac Records (2008) 
 Ferlinghetti: A Rebirth of Wonder (2009) Movie Review         
 Ferlinghetti: A Rebirth of Wonder (2009)         
Postwar America WorksheetsPostwar America Learning and Study Games
Postwar America Outlines and PowerPointsPostwar America Maps and Pictures
Postwar America MiscellanyPostwar America Books and Films > U.S. History > Postwar America > Books & Films