Outline of Roosevelt's New Deal Programs | Student Handouts
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Outline of Roosevelt's New Deal Programs
www.studenthandouts.com > U.S. History > New Deal and World War II > Outlines & PowerPoints
Outline of Roosevelt's New Deal Programs - Free to print (PDF file). Students complete this rough outline.
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This is an outline of the key components of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, a set of programs and policies aimed at addressing the economic challenges of the Great Depression. Please note that this is a broad outline of the New Deal. Each of these points is meant to be expanded by students into more detailed discussions and analysis for a comprehensive understanding of this pivotal period in American history.

Click here to print the outline on one sheet. Click here for the version that students complete.
I. Introduction
a. Context: The Great Depression
b. Presidential election of 1932

II. First Hundred Days (1933)
a. Emergency Banking Act
b. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
c. Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
d. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
e. Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
f. National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
g. Public Works Administration (PWA)
h. Securities Act of 1933
i. Glass-Steagall Banking Act

III. Second New Deal (1935-1936)
a. Social Security Act
b. Works Progress Administration (WPA)
c. National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)
d. Rural Electrification Administration (REA)
e. Resettlement Administration

IV. Relief, Recovery, Reform
a. Explanation of the three "R's"
b. Banking reforms and financial stability
c. Programs for relief and job creation
d. Labor and industry regulations
e. Agricultural policies
f. Infrastructure and public works projects

V. Opposition and Criticism
a. Critiques from conservatives and business leaders
b. Challenges from the Supreme Court
c. Rise of populist and union movements

VI. Legacy and Long-Term Effects
a. Economic recovery and stabilizing the banking system
b. Transformation of the role of the federal government
c. Social safety nets and labor rights
d. Political realignment and Democratic Party dominance

VII. Conclusion
a. Evaluation of the New Deal's overall impact and significance
b. FDR's legacy as a reformer and leader during a crisis
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www.studenthandouts.com > U.S. History > New Deal and World War II > Outlines & PowerPoints