White Star Line Advertisement of 1922 | Student Handouts
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White Star Line Advertisement of 1922
www.studenthandouts.com > U.S. History > War, Prosperity, & Depression > Maps & Pictures
White Star Line Advertisement of 1922
The magnificent trio. Just as the mighty Olympic provides a standard of luxury known throughout the world as utmost in ocean comfort so now a trio of White Star ships in our Cherbourg-Southampton service advance trans-Atlantic passenger travel to an even higher plane. This service includes: The new Majestic (56,000 tons), world's newest and largest liner; The new Homeric (34,000 tons), the ship of splendor; The Olympic (46,500 tons), the ship magnificent. This service is no less remarkable for its regularity than for the individual size and splendor of its ships. Travelers who formerly waited an Olympic sailing date to channel ports may now sail any week on one of these great ships. Regular weekly sailings to Liverpool via Queenstown with the Adriatic, Baltic, Celtic, and Cedric, each over 20,000 tons. Early bookings are suggested to secure most desirable accommodations. White Star Line, American Line, Red Star Line. International Mercantile Marine Company, No. 1 Broadway, New York City. 1922 advertisement. Click here to enlarge.
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