Denver Tourist Bureau Advertisement | Student Handouts
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Denver Tourist Bureau Advertisement > U.S. History > War, Prosperity, & Depression > Maps & Pictures
Denver Tourist Bureau Advertisement from 1922
Denver Tourist Bureau, 514 17th Street, Denver, Colorado, 1922 advertisement. Colorado year. Fairs greatly reduced--war tax gone. Live as reasonably as you do at home, or as expensively as you wish, at hotels and resorts. Prices to fit any pocketbook. Vacation in Denver and visit Rocky Mountain National Park, only one night from Chicago. One-day mountain rail trips: Georgetown Loop, $3.55; Royal Gorge, $11.64; Platte Canon, $2.00 to $5.40; Moffat Road, $5.00. One-day mountain auto trips: Rocky Mountain National Park, $10.50; Denver Mountain Parks, $4.00 and $5.00; Never-Summer Range (2 days), $25.50; Echo Lake-Mount Evans, $8.00; Arapahoe Glacier (all expense), $15.00. Peak-to-peak and forty other short auto trips. Motor, take scenic trips, camp, fish, enjoy outdoor sports or climb. Denver has 252 hotels, over 400 mountain resorts and a free auto camp. Write for free booklet that tells where to go, what to see and how to enjoy the day from one day to three months in the Cool Colorado Rockies. Call at Union Station or uptown bureau for hotel accommodations. Click here to enlarge.
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