Civil War and Reconstruction Miscellany | Student Handouts
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Unit VII: Civil War and Reconstruction > U.S. History > Civil War > Miscellaneous
  Civil War Leaders Handwriting Worksheet  Civil War Spelling and Handwriting Practice Abraham Lincoln Biography Workbook 
 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Civil War Leaders Handwriting Worksheet The Valley of the Shadow at the University of Virginia Civil War Spelling and Handwriting Practice Abraham Lincoln Biography Workbook 
 Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address (1861)  Emancipation Proclamation (1863) Abraham Lincoln
(1809-1865) Gettysburg Address (1863) 
 Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address (1861) Clara Barton Historical Site Emancipation Proclamation (1863) Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address (1863) 
 "When Dey 'Listed Colored Soldiers" by Paul Laurence Dunbar  Frederick Douglass (circa 1818-1895) David Glasgow Farragut
(1801-1870) U.S. History Primary Source Timeline at the Library of Congress 
 "When Dey 'Listed Colored Soldiers" by Paul Laurence Dunbar Learn the Gettysburg Address Frederick Douglass (circa 1818-1895) David Glascoe Farragut
 U.S. History Primary Source Timeline at the Library of Congress 
  Harriet Tubman (1822-1913)                  
  Harriet Tubman (1822-1913)                  
Civil War and Reconstruction Books and FilmsCivil War and Reconstruction Miscellany
Civil War and Reconstruction Image GalleriesCivil War Outlines and PowerPoints
Civil War and Reconstruction Study GamesCivil War and Reconstruction Worksheets > U.S. History > Civil War > Miscellaneous