Outline of the Matamoros Expedition Printable | Student Handouts
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Outline of the Matamoros Expedition
www.studenthandouts.com > U.S. History > Westward Expansion > Westward Outlines & PPTs
The Matamoros Expedition was a significant event during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). It was a military campaign conducted by the United States in an attempt to capture the Mexican city of Matamoros, which was strategically located along the Rio Grande.
Outline of the Matamoros Expedition - Free to print (PDF files). Two versions, one with space for student note-taking.
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Click here to print. Click here to print an alternate version with sub-headings removed and space left for student note-taking on missing sub-headings.
The Matamoros Expedition played a role in the early stages of the Mexican-American War, helping establish U.S. control in certain areas along the border. However, it did not result in the capture of Matamoros itself, and the war would continue to evolve with further military operations and diplomatic negotiations.
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