Circle the Pronouns Worksheet for First Grade | Student Handouts
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Circle the Pronouns Worksheet > Grade One > Grade One ELA > Grade One Language: Literacy
Students are asked to circle the pronoun in each sentence.
Circle the Pronouns Worksheet - For first grade. Free to print (PDF file).
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October Handwriting Practice Sentences Worksheets

The Three Little Kittens by Eliza Lee Folen

Thirty Days Hath September Handwriting Printables in Print or Cursive
Click here to print. Click here for the answer key.
  1. I have piano practice at five o’clock.
  2. Please ask them.
  3. Are they home?
  4. She ate a sandwich.
  5. My grandpa loves cheese.
  6. Place everything in the basket.
  7. This is their apartment.
  8. Please give it to me.
  9. Did anyone see my mittens?
  10. He walked home.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.1.1.D: Use personal, possessive, and indefinite pronouns (e.g., I, me, my; they, them, their, anyone, everything). > Grade One > Grade One ELA > Grade One Language: Literacy