Capitalization Challenge Worksheets for Grade One | Student Handouts
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Capitalization Challenge Worksheets > Grade One > Grade One ELA > Grade One Language: Literacy
Capitalization Challenge Worksheets - Free to print (PDF files) for lower elementary ELA: English Language Arts students.
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Capitalization Challenge Worksheet #1 - Click here to print. 1. The children played on Saturday. 2. This is my brother, Conor. 3. We don't have school in July. 4. Her last name is Nguyen. 5. My mom's name is Dolores.
Capitalization Challenge Worksheet #2 - Click here to print. 1. Winter break starts in December. 2. Malcolm was sick on Wednesday. 3. He forgot to buy a gift for Nick. 4. I have gym class every Thursday. 5. My grandpa is Clyde Smith.
Capitalization Challenge Worksheet #3 - Click here to print. 1. My dad's name is Ricardo. 2. Brendan was absent on Tuesday. 3. May Hassan come with us? 4. This is my sister, Lucretia. 5. Her birthday is in November.
Capitalization Challenge Worksheet #4 - Click here to print. 1. Fatima forgot her lunch money. 2. Lucia ate a taco on Wednesday. 3. Summer vacation begins in June. 4. We have music class every Friday. 5. Hank Aaron played baseball.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.1.2.A: Capitalize dates and names of people. > Grade One > Grade One ELA > Grade One Language: Literacy