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World History Curriculum - Free Outlines, PowerPoints, Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Maps, and More for K-12 World History Teachers and Students > World History
Early Humans - Early Hominids - Paleolithic Era - Concept of Time - Hunter-Gatherers - Great Rift Valley
Neolithic Revolution - Farming - Agriculture - Domestication of Animals - First Cities
Ancient Near East - Assyrians - Babylonians - Lydians - River Valleys - Invention of Money
Ancient Egypt - Old Kingdom - New Kingdom - Pyramids - Egyptian Gods and Goddesses - Pyramids
Ancient Israel - Ancient Hebrews - Israelites - Israel - Palestine - Jerusalem - Maccabees - Temple
World Religions - Buddhism - Christianity - Hinduism - Judaism - Islam - Shintoism - Shamanism
Ancient India - Harappa - Indus River Valley - Mohenjo-Daro
Ancient East Asia - Ancient China - Ancient Japan - Tang Dynasty - Song Dynasty - Chinese Writing - Korea
Ancient Greece - Parthenon - Peloponnesian War - Sparta - Athens - Pythagoras - Archimedes - Solon
Ancient Rome - Latins - Seven Hills - Punic Wars - Julius Caesar - Augustus - Marc Antony - Engineering
Barbarian Migrations - Invasions of Rome - Goths - Huns - Burgundians - Attila the Hun - Germanic Tribes
Byzantine Empire - Law Code - Justinian - Theodora - Eastern Orthodox Church - Eastern Roman Empire
Early Russia - Kievan Rus - Muscovy - Cyrillic Alphabet
Middle Ages - Dark Ages - Feudalism - Medieval Europe - Lords - Vassals - Peasants - Monasticism - Knights
Spread of Islam - Mohammed - Koran - Caliphate - Sunni - Shi'ite
Crusades - Kingdom of Jerusalem - Knights Templar - Saladin - Charles Martel - Richard the Lion Heart
Edo Japan - Samurai - Bushido - Emperor - Isolation - Tokugawa period
Mongols - Genghis Khan - Tartar Yoke - Mongolian Horde
Global Trade - Portugal - Italian City-States - Trading Posts - Caravels
African Civilizations - Gold - Salt - Native Religions - Culture - Arab Traders
Black Plague - Bubonic Plague - Devastation - Population Decimated - Black Death - Peasant Revolts
Renaissance - Da Vinci - Michelangelo - Rebirth of Learning - Vernacular Writing - Printing Press
Protestant Reformation - Martin Luther - Catholic Reformation - Calvinism - Predestination - Henry VIII
Rise of Nation-States - Elizabeth I - Joan of Arc - Rise of Nation-States in Europe
Ottoman Empire - Expansion - Decline - Constantinople - Ottoman Turks - Sultans - Islam
Ming China - Culture - Growth - Contributions - Ancient China - Ming Dynasty
Age of Exploration - Vasco De Gama - Portugal - Spain - Reconquista - Ferdinand and Isabella
Mesoamerican Civilizations - Aztec - Ancient Mexico - Inca - Peru - Maya - Central America - Caribbean
Columbian Exchange - Christopher Columbus - Hernan Cortes - Francisco Pizarro - Conquest - Disease
Global Absolutism - Absolute Monachy - Louis XIV - Divine Right of Kings
English Parliamentary Democracy - Magna Carta - Parliament - Glorious Revolution - Puritan Revolution
Scientific Revolution - Galileo - Bacon - Descartes - Copernicus - Newton - Scientific Method
Enlightenment - John Locke - Voltaire - Social Contract - Philosophes - Voltaire - Diderot - Rousseau
French Revolution - Marie Antoinette - Guillotine - National Assembly - Robespierre - de Gouges - Danton
Napoleonic Era - Napoleon Bonaparte - Legion of Honor - Spread of Revolutionary Ideals
Latin American Revolutions - Simon Bolivar - Mexico - South America
Age of Reaction - Concert of Europe - Metternich - Congress of Vienna - Legitimacy
Revolutions of 1848 - Paris Commune - Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels - Communist Manifesto - Anarchism
Independent Latin America - Benito Juarez - Populism - Cash Crops
Global Nationalism - Greek Independence - Italian Unification - Romantic Period - Classical Music
Industrial Revolution - Factory System - Growth of Cities - Democratic Reforms - Birth of Unions - Karl Marx
Imperialism - British Empire - Berlin Conference - Scramble for Africa - Indochina - Opium Wars
La Belle Époque - 1871-1914 - Beautiful Era - Pax Britannica - Wilhelminism
Meiji Restoration - Modernization of Japan - Militarization - Japanese Empire
World War I - Trenches - Mustard Gas - Modern Warfare
Russian Revolution - Vladimir Lenin - Joseph Stalin - Communism - Collectivization
Rise of Fascism - Great Depression - Benito Mussolini - Spanish Civil War - Francisco Franco - Adolf Hitler
World War II - Adolf Hitler - Holocaust - Manhattan Project - Pearl Harbor - Kamikaze - Churchill
Cold War - Detente - Domino Theory - Korean War
United Nations - Establishment - Structure - Goals - Purpose - Leadership
Postwar Economics - Marshall Plan - Green Revolution
Chinese Revolution - Sun Yat-sen - Mao Zedong - Cultural Revolution - Taiwan
Collapse of Imperialism - Vietnam War - Independence in Africa - British Commonwealth
Modern Africa - Apartheid - Rwandan Genocide - HIV/AIDS Epidemic - Ebola - Demographic Changes
Middle East Conflict - Establishment of Israel - Oil - Arab-Israeli War - Ayatollah Khomeini - Saddam Hussein
Collapse of Communism - Soviet Union - Mikhail Gorbachev - Boris Yeltsin - Glasnost - Berlin Wall - Bosnia
Globalization - European Union - Multinational Corporations - G8 (Group of Eight) - NATO
Modern Latin America - Juan Peron - Sandinistas - Noriega - Iran-Contra Affair - Drug Cartels
Modern Global Issues - Global Migration - Climate Change - Greenhouse Effect - Carbon Emissions
Modern Technology - Space Race - Internet - Bioengineering - Computer Security - Information Age
World history is a vital field of study that examines the collective human experience across time and space. It encompasses the stories of civilizations, cultures, individuals, and events that have shaped our global society. The importance of world history can be understood from various perspectives, including its role in fostering a global perspective, promoting cultural understanding, informing decision-making, and offering valuable lessons for the future. Our free world history curriculum strives to bring junior and senior high school students face-to-face with the events, people, and places of our past.

Our free world history curriculum strives to bring junior and senior high school students face-to-face with the events, people, and places of our past. We offer printables, outlines, PowerPoint presentations, maps, historical documents, worksheets, interactive learning games, printable puzzles, and so much more. Fostering a Global Perspective: World history broadens our horizons by exposing us to diverse peoples, places, and time periods. It encourages us to view the world from a global perspective rather than a narrow, nationalistic one. This expanded view is crucial in our interconnected world, where events in one region can have far-reaching consequences globally. Understanding the interconnectedness of history helps us appreciate the complexities of contemporary global issues, such as climate change, international conflicts, and economic globalization.

Promoting Cultural Understanding: World history facilitates cultural understanding and empathy by exploring the rich tapestry of human civilizations. It exposes us to the values, beliefs, traditions, and art forms of different cultures, fostering respect for cultural diversity. This understanding is essential for peaceful coexistence in a world characterized by cultural pluralism and globalization. It also helps combat stereotypes, prejudice, and ethnocentrism.

Informing Decision-Making: Knowledge of world history equips individuals and societies to make informed decisions. Understanding historical patterns and precedents can help policymakers, diplomats, and citizens navigate complex issues, make strategic choices, and avoid repeating past mistakes. History provides insights into the consequences of various policies, ideologies, and actions, enabling us to shape a better future.

Lessons for the Future: History serves as a repository of valuable lessons. By studying the successes and failures of past societies, we gain insights into the dynamics of governance, economics, social movements, and technological advancements. These insights can inform our efforts to address contemporary challenges, such as poverty, inequality, and political instability. History also teaches us about resilience, adaptability, and the capacity for positive change.

Preserving Cultural Heritage: World history plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage. It helps us recognize the significance of historical landmarks, artifacts, and sites. Understanding the historical context of cultural treasures allows us to appreciate their importance and protect them for future generations.

Inspiration and Identity: Learning about the accomplishments of individuals and societies in the past can inspire us to achieve great things in our own lives. Historical figures who have overcome adversity, advanced human knowledge, or championed social justice serve as role models. Moreover, history provides a sense of identity and belonging, connecting us to the narratives of our ancestors and the legacies they left behind.

Promoting Critical Thinking: Studying world history cultivates critical thinking skills. It encourages us to analyze sources, question assumptions, assess evidence, and construct well-reasoned arguments. These skills are invaluable in a world flooded with information, disinformation, and complex issues.

Cultivating Civic Engagement: An understanding of world history is essential for informed and engaged citizenship. It encourages active participation in democratic processes, civic debates, and social advocacy. An informed citizenry is better equipped to hold governments accountable and advocate for positive change.

World history is of paramount importance for its ability to broaden perspectives, promote cultural understanding, inform decision-making, offer valuable lessons, preserve cultural heritage, inspire individuals and societies, cultivate critical thinking, and foster civic engagement. It provides us with a profound sense of context, allowing us to better navigate the challenges and opportunities of our rapidly evolving world. By studying world history, we not only honor the past but also prepare ourselves for the complexities of the future. Our free world history curriculum makes these goals a reality.
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