What century is it? Worksheet | Student Handouts
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What century is it? Worksheet
www.studenthandouts.com > Social Studies > Social Studies Handouts
While reading about history, we often see terms such as fifteenth century.

But wait--is this referring to the 1400s or to the 1500s?

Often, we get confused.

The answer?

A century is a period of one hundred years, starting with year one.

The years 1 to 100 constitute the first century (regardless of B.C.E. or C.E., since there is no such thing as "year zero").
What century is it? Worksheet (PDF file) is free to print for Social Studies and World History students in grades 5-12.
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1. During what century did the fall of Rome under Emperor Romulus Augustus occur (476 C.E.)? fifth century

2. During what centuries did the Crusades occur (1095-1291 C.E.)? eleventh to thirteenth centuries

3. During what century did the Greek statesman Pericles die (429 B.C.E.)? fifth century B.C.E.

4. During what century were you born? answers will vary; those born 1901-1999 were born in the twentieth century, while those born 2001 and on were born in the twenty-first century
www.studenthandouts.com > Social Studies > Social Studies Handouts